Evening Jan. Classes Soon!
Arkansas Fashion School Evening Classes Starts, Friday, Jan. 2nd, 2015. GIVE THE GIFT OF EDUCATION THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. The Arkansas...
Such a Successful Year!
The year 2013 has been such a successful year for Arkansas Fashion School. Great talented students graduated with honor. Looking...
Our Student Moves to the Fashion World!
( Shonda, left to her beautiful design) Shonda had just graduated from our Arkansas Fashion School, on November 9th. She is a great...
Online Courses
We have had wonderful feed back about our first online course, "Introduction to Fashion Design", we are now excited to announce the...
About Jamileh Kamran and the Arkansas Fashion School
“I look at every aspect of your life, whether it is personal or business, to design an individual style that’s right for you.” Jamileh...